There is a job in Melbourne in AU.
工作類型:清潔 Cleaning
原文載於: 背包客棧自助旅行論壇 http://www.backpackers.com.tw/forum/showthread.php?t=1313548Some people in AU, the local people prefer their house to be cleaned by others; therefore, cleaning becomes popular, including office clean, Hotel clean,house clean,vacate clean and BIG clean.
As far as I know, I describe as follows:
1. 有車和國際駕照(have a car and an international driving license) PS.有車者佳 (Have a car will be better.)
2. 到辦公室接受訓練(accept the necessary discipline of cleaning, the boss will train you.)
3. 基礎英文對話要會(need basic English conversation)
4. 待遇,每個人不同,看顧客估價給多少, 還有你一天可以清幾間房子,有固定的客戶會很穩定,和公司50%,55%分,例如:
一間房子清兩個小時$88元,清潔員得到($88/1.1*0.55=$44) 1.1是稅
The salary relies on how hard you work and how much the quote from the customers or the company. If you have some regular customers, it will make your income stable. The income is usually shared with the company by 50% or 55%, for instance:
A house clean, the customer agrees to pay the company $88 for two hours clean and then the cleaner gets ($88/1.1*0.55=$44) divide 1.1 for tax
5. 至少簽半年契約 (must sign the contract for at least half a year)
6. 刻苦耐勞 ,抗壓性要高,因為顧客可能會抱怨和不滿意( have the ability to overcome frustrations and difficulties because sometimes the customers are not satisfied and get complaints)
7. 工作一段時間後,需要辦澳洲當地良民証,約$50澳幣,和ABN number,不需費用,辦公室小姐是台灣人,可以幫忙,開始工作後,有語言問題都可以詢問她,她會幫忙翻譯給主管或老闆娘(after some jobs, the cleaners should have Australian Police Check and ABN number)
8. 完全不會英文者,老闆不考慮!
9. 不能承受壓力和變動者,可能不適合~